Athletic Policies

Saint Mark Lutheran School is a member of the Lutheran Schools’ Sports League. Interested students in grades 5-8 may participate in our sports programs. Boys and girls can compete in volleyball, basketball, track and field, and cross-country. An Intramural Kickball Program is offered to students in the lower grades each spring.
The objectives of the Saint Mark Lutheran School Athletic Program are:
- To help train up students who are healthy spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
- To promote the Christian life style in athletic competition as in all of life and develop opportunity for Christian witness in practice and competition.
- To encourage physical conditioning and develop an appreciation of the value of physical activity as alifelong pursuit.
- To promote and encourage cooperation and teamwork.
- To teach students the fundamental skills in the sport and increase physical development and skill levels.
- To promote participation, good sportsmanship and school spirit among our athletes, parents and the school family.
- To develop interaction with athletes from other schools.
Coaches will be a Christian example in word and action. Coaching will be done by a faculty member or supervised by a faculty member. Our lives and actions should constantly reflect service to Christ. Thus, athletics at Saint Mark Lutheran School reflect Mark 12:30, “Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”
Codes of Conduct for Athletes
A student must:
- Know and adhere to the Christian philosophy and objectives of Saint Mark Lutheran School and its athletic department.
- Meet all attendance and academic requirements as practical evidence of loyalty to school and team, and a proper philosophy of school-sponsored athletics.
- Completely observe all policies regarding conduct, doing so as a duty to God, school, team and self.
- Counsel with the athletic director over questions of eligibility.
- Practice and play fairly, giving complete effort in all circumstances and credit in victory to teammates and to opponents in defeat.
- Accept favorable and unfavorable decisions, as well as victory and defeat, with equal grace.
- Demonstrate respect for opponents and officials before, during and after contests.
- Know that participation in any sport requires an acceptance of risk of injury.
General Guidelines
A student must:
- Keep things in perspective. In our sports-crazy society we are tempted to believe that winning games is among the noblest ambitions we can have. As a participant in our sports program we hope you experience enjoyment, exercise and lessons in Christian living, but understand that sports competition has very little importance when measured against the things that have real meaning: accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and living life in service to God and fellowmen.
- Understand the equal importance of all team members. Every player on a team is as important as every other member. Some may have more sports skills than others, some may try harder than others, and some may score more points than others. But together you and your teammates are a team, and together you share the winning, losing and enjoyment of being part of a team.
- Let your light shine! As a team member you will be in a very public position. You will have golden opportunities to demonstrate publicly the meaning of the words from Scripture: “…whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (I Cor. 10:31) Try hard to improve your skills of relating in Christian love to teammates, opponents, coaches, other students, referees and fans. Ask God to help you let your light shine.
- Exhibit good sportsmanship! Try your hardest to win, but always play by the rules. Control your mouth and your temper. Do not dispute the referee’s decisions. Do not speak or act in a way that would show your disagreement with officials or opponents. Always abide by the referee’s decisions and work hard to exhibit good Christian sportsmanship.
- Have fun! Sports are meant to be enjoyed. We hope you will have a good time as a member of a team, and that you will help your teammates, coaches, opponents and officials to have fun also.
- Win graciously! Enjoy the victory; be happy. You worked hard to achieve the win and you ought to enjoy it. But the other team may have tried and worked just as hard–or harder–than you did. Be thankful you won, but always remember, winning a game doesn’t make you a better human being than the members of the losing team. Never put down other teams or players in any way. Never try to humiliate or degrade any player or team. Compete vigorously, but always respect your opponents as fellow human beings and friends.
- Lose graciously! Lose with dignity and give your opponents credit for winning. That doesn’t mean you will like to lose. But don’t react to defeat with anger, complaint or excuses. Exhibit graciousness, self-control, good sportsmanship and Christian love for others, whether you are on the winning or losing side of the score.
Students must maintain a minimum of a C- grade in every subject in order to participate in athletics. Any student who does not meet these requirements will not be able to participate in practice or games until the minimum academic requirements are met. All students who are struggling academically will be required by the athletic director to get a weekly progress report filled out by their teachers.
An athlete who has a full day absence may not participate in a practice or game that day. Students must attend practices and games regularly; all absences must be excused by the coach. Students shall maintain and display a Christian example. Students who are on behavioral probation are not allowed to participate in athletics.
Medical Exams & Insurance
Students must have a valid physical and accident and/or medical insurance before being eligible to participate. Parents are required to fill out and sign the Student Emergency Data, Sports Release, and permission forms before a student will be allowed to participate in a sport.