K-8 Programs

Curricular Information
Christian Education: Basic Christian teachings are taught in all grades through the study of Old and New Testament Bible stories, Luther’s Small Catechism, memorization of scriptures, hymns, a weekly chapel service and especially through the examples of Christian teachers. One in Christ, is used to assist teachers in meeting goals of an effective Christian Education program. Since Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me do not hinder them” (Mathew 19:14) Saint Mark Lutheran School encourages students to embrace Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. At the same time, all people and their faiths are shown proper respect.
Reading: The reading program at Saint Mark Lutheran School is based on McGraw-Hill’s Wonders. Lower grades (grades K-3) supplement the text with phonics, vocabulary lists, classroom libraries and daily silent reading time. Having mastered the basic reading skills, the students in middle school study Literature – Classics through contemporary writings. All grades emphasize phonetic skill and context clues in decoding. Grades 1-5 use the Wordly Wise vocabulary book. Accelerated Reader, an on-line reading program, is utilized by Grades 1-8.
English/Language Arts: Wonders is used in the elementary grades (K-5) and forms the basis for the teachings of listening, speaking and writing skills. All teachers supplement the textbooks to meet the individual needs of the students. Cursive handwriting instruction takes place in grade 3 and continues in grade 4. Grades 1-8 utilize Shurley English to teach grammar skills, writing, and reading. Middle school emphasizes grammar in writing
Mathematics: Grades K-5 use enVisionmath2.0 and middle school students use Prentice Hall Math and have the opportunity to take Pre-Algebra and Algebra classes.
Social Studies: The elementary grades (with the exception of grade 4) use Impact Social Studies by McGraw Hill. Impact provides students with building blocks for critical thinking and analysis as they use inquiry to learn about history, geography, economics and civics. Kindergarten through grade 2 study learning/working together, our place in the world, and exploring who we are. Grade 3 studies communities. Grade 4 studies Hawaiiana and participates in an off-island class trip to further their study of Hawaii. Grade 5 studies American history. Grades 6 focuses on world civilizations of the past and present and their effects on our world. Grade 7 studies world geography and grade 8 studies U.S. History looking at the ideals and people that have shaped our country, and the direction that our country is going in today’s world.
Science: Amplify Science is the science curriculum for Saint Mark’s elementary (K-5) and middle school (6-8) divisions. Amplify is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) which are K-12 science content standards. These standards have raised the bar in science education and according to Amplify, “aim to move the focus of instruction away from memorization and toward active engagement….teach(ing) students to think like scientists and engineers, grapple with core scientific principles, and support deep learning of concepts that cut across domains.”
Physical Education: Physical Education is a vital part of all grade levels of our curriculum. P.E. classes develop skills, coordination and further knowledge of games and sports appropriate for each grade. Saint Mark also uses the Presidential Youth Fitness program and participates in extracurricular sports, which include volleyball, basketball, cross country, and track for Grades 5-8.
Art: Weekly art instruction is offered to students at nearly all grade levels. Children are taught the elements of art as they experience working with a wide variety of media.
Band: The band program at Saint Mark Lutheran School consists of two bands – the Beginning Band and the 6-8 Band. Instruments in the school band include the flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, trumpet, horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba and percussion (drums and mallet instruments).
Students in grade 5 may enroll in the Beginning Band. The Beginning Band is for students who want to learn to play a band instrument and who want to learn to read music. The students will learn basic playing techniques and how to read music. Students in grades 6-8 who have successfully completed Beginning Band or who can demonstrate their playing ability through a brief audition may enroll in the 6-8 Band. The students enrolled in the 6-8 Band learn new playing techniques and work to improve their playing techniques and music reading ability.
Choir/Music: Students in grades K-8 participate in choir/music class. Musical and dramatic performances are delivered throughout the school year. Christmas programs, chapel plays, and spring concerts are some of the performances given.
Computer/Keyboarding: Technology (iPad and Chromebook) usage is woven throughout the curriculum. iPads and Chromebooks are used throughout the school for a variety of individual and group activities (both self-directed and teacher led) as well as a myriad inquire based projects. All grades use the Chromebooks to assist instruction in areas of Math and Reading. Learning games, computer drills and simulations are made available to the students. Keyboarding and word processing are taught in Grades 3 and higher.