MAHALO Ms. Kau`i!

MAHALO Ms. Kau`i!

For nearly a decade Ms. Kau`i has been a truly special and incredibly hard working servant to the Saint Mark students and their families. From opening the campus each morning and helping with morning drop off & afternoon pick up, to keeping the students safe at recess and doing anything else that needed to be done, Ms. Kau`i has been a dedicated stalwart who has authentically connected with countless students and families over her many years at Saint Mark.

While we will certainly miss Ms. Kau’i and are sad to see her go, we are also very excited for her as she pursues a life long dream to work in the airline industry.  Please join the entire Saint Mark `ohana in thanking her and expressing our sincere appreciation for her amazing service. We do hope that Ms. Kau’i will be able to resume some part-time work at Saint Mark once she settles in at the airlines.