Extra Passports FOR SALE in Office
During the next three weeks, we are inviting our school families to sell our extra Passport <a href=”https://www.smls-hawaii.org/Documents/SaintMarkLutheranPassport2011.pdf”>Discount Cards</a> left over from the August fundraiser. How it works: simply stop by the school office and pick up the passports you want to sell, bring the money back as the cards are sold, and pick up additional cards if you so desire. All monies must be turned in to the school no later than Friday, December 16, 2011 to be eligible for the prize. The passports are to be sold for $10 each with Saint Mark receiving $5 for every card that is sold. All unsold passports are to be returned to the school office. Incentive/Prize: the Saint Mark family that sells the most passports between now and December 16, 2011 will receive a 2GB iPod shuffle valued at $49, and each Saint Mark family will be given one passport to keep for themselves for every five passports that they sell at $10 each (while supplies last). The coupons don’t expire until December 2012 and make wonderful Christmas gifts. Further details were sent home with the students and are available <a href=”http://smls-hawaii.org/Documents/extrapassportsletternov2011.pdf”>on-line</a>.