Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update & Distance Learning Program

Aloha Saint Mark Parents,
I continue to hope and pray you all are doing well (staying safe and sane) as we travel together through these challenging times. I am writing with a few updates as we head into the long weekend.
Easter Break
There is no school on Friday, April 10 and Monday, April 13 in celebration of the Risen Savior. Distant Learning Classes will resume on Tuesday, April 14. Enjoy your Easter Break!
Second Packet Pickup – Date & Time
Parents are invited to stop by the school on Friday, April 17 between 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to pick up their child(ren)’s learning materials to be used for the next two weeks.
Second Packet Pick-up – Guidelines/Requirements
– After arriving on campus, parents are asked to go directly to their child(ren)’s classroom and wait at the door where their child’s teacher will meet them and give them their materials. Middle school parents are to go to their child(ren)’s homeroom teacher’s classroom. Each door will have a table/desk in front of it to help maintain a safe social distance. (For your safety and the safety of those around you, please maintain a safe distance from all non-household members while on campus).
– Once parents have received the materials, we ask that they immediately return to their vehicle and exit the campus.
– There is to be no congregating on campus.
– We strongly encourage all visitors to wear a mask as recommended by our government officials.
If you are not comfortable picking up your packet, are exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms, or are currently quarantined for COVID-19 (mandatory or voluntary), please inform your teacher and other arrangements will be made. (Thank you for adhering to these restrictions as we honor the social distancing guidelines/directives and work to support our community efforts to thwart the spread of this virus.)
Zoom Rules Sheet Must be Signed
If you haven’t already done so, please be sure to read, sign and return the Rules for Students While Using Zoom form.
Parent Survey
In an effort to keep the communication flowing and to better serve our families, we are planning to send out a school-wide survey in the coming week to gauge parent perception in these different and challenging times.
Mahalo for your continue patience and perseverance and, as always, please do not hesitate to contact the school office should you have any questions.
Mahalo and Easter Blessings,
Dr. David Gaudi
Head of School